Biblelife Ministries

Don't Be Fooled

American doesn't need to bow at the terrorist feet
Or negotiate with dictators that they meet
These people don't want peace to stand
They rather fight and take your land-

We need to be careful about Israel's homeland
Or face the wrath of God's upper hand
Neighboring countries want the Jewish people gone
And take over their religious worship at the dome-

Don't be fooled, don't be fooled
With wolves in sheep skin
Don't be fooled, don't be fooled
Let Heaven be our win-

America should stand for freedom for all
Let human rights be our peaceful call
The united nations doesn't care about us
They want power and money not your trust-

America lets get back to the cross
Before all our values are totally lost
His faith will sail our sinking ship
Even if satan cause us to slip-

Don't be fooled, don't be fooled
With wolves in sheep skin
Don't be fooled, don't be fooled
Let Heaven be our win-

© 2009 By Ronnie N. Smith