Biblelife Ministries

Don't Let America Fall

Why do people put down America's stand
Don't they know they could find another homeland
Why do some people preach terror and hate
It won't be virgins but satan at the gate-

Why does the media look for someone to blame
When things go wrong it's another's horrible game
We have the best country in the world
Even if all the politicians spin truth in hurls-

Treat people right, treat people right
Let's care for all
Treat people right, treat people right
Don't let America fall-

Why are people always beggin for your money
For their own charitable cause smelling like honey
Let's all learn to have respect for one and another
Treat everyone with love as you would your mother-

Let's support all our military personnel
Even if fighting wars isn't our sale
As long as terror can strike our homeland
With God's help our troops will always defend-

Treat people right, treat people right
Let's care for all
Treat people right, treat people right
Dont let America fall-

© 2009 By Ronnie N. Smith