Biblelife Ministries

Wake Up America

There's a lot of greed in the world today
They'll rip you off smiling along the way
No matter how hard a poor man has to work
There always seems to be greed that lurks-

It's not going to work bailing out these greedy guys
All of that hard earned money will take wings and fly
America needs to quit worshiping these kind of idols
They need to get back to the God of the Bible-

Wake up America, wake up America
The judgment is on it's way
Wake up America, wake up America
Get back to the Lord today-

If all Americans would get their minds back off vacation
We could turn our country back to a prosperous nation
Put God first back into our body mind and soul
Wake up America it's not too late and we're not too old-

Wake up America, wake up America
The judgment is on it's way
Wake up America, wake up America
Get back to the Lord today-

© 2009 By Ronnie N. Smith